Due to the impending storm, East Brunswick Public Library will close at 4:00 PM.


Lulu series

Hilary McKay's Lulu series is a great series for kids who adore animals. Lulu is the animal lover, but her best friend Mellie is always ready to jump in and help her with a stray dog or a found egg that's ready to hatch. Their friendship is sweet, and Lulu's entire family is optimists. When things go wrong, they're always looking on the bright side.


Stink series

Stink is a book series by Megan McDonald that features the adventures of Stink Moody, the younger brother of Judy Moody. The series includes books such as Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid, Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker, and Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers. The books are humorous and aimed at children aged 6-9.



Judy Moody series

Judy Moody is a series of children's novels by Megan McDonald. The series is aimed at kids around the age of 6-9 years old. The novels tell the story of Judy, a third-grader girl, and her family, which includes her mother, her father, and her brother stink. Other kids in the neighborhood include Judy's friends Rocky and Frank. The plot of the first novel revolves around Judy's first day of third grade and her attempts to avoid her little brother Stink complete her "Me Collages" for class.



Akimbo series

Akimbo book series is one of the best performing series by the critically acclaimed author, Alexander Smith. The books and the storylines in this series are exceedingly short; however, they are full of illustrations and important lessons. All the books, take place in Africa and feature the seven-year-old, Akimbo who is the son of a wildlife guard.

The Quigleys series

This is narrative of incident, gentle "real-life" stories about utterly believable characters in relatable scenarios. The adults and children are flawed and loveable, the grown ups make mistake and get cross and drink the occasional beer and run out of money and have to borrow it from their kids' piggy banks.

The Birthday Ball

When a bored Princess Patricia Priscilla makes her chambermaid switch identities with her so she can attend the village school, her attitude changes and she plans a new way to celebrate her sixteenth birthday.

Gooney Bird Greene series

The Gooney Bird Greene series is a collection of six children’s books by Lois Lowry. They feature a second-grade girl named Gooney Bird Greene who tells stories about her life that are true but unusual. She likes to dress in colorful outfits and use big words.The books are humorous and educational, and they show how storytelling can enrich learning and crativity.